Prostitute Information Center

  • Museums | Specialist interest

Time Out says

PIC will answer just about any question about the work, professional issues and political fights related to the City’s legalised prostitution industry. It’s run by Mariska Majoor, a former prostitute, and even offers a workshop (€65 including a drink and a photo) that offers punters the chance of spending an hour dressed in their own ‘working’ clothes, in order to experience what it feels like to ply the world’s oldest profession. PIC’s connected shop, De Wallenwinkel, sells souvenirs in sync with the neighbourhood, many of them handmade. Visiting PIC needs to be done by appointment, over email.


Enge Kerksteeg 3
Opening hours:
Open 2-8pm Sat by appointment; tours 6.30pm Wed; 5pm Sat by appointment.
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