Most stall holders want to hold your attention for a little while - this can be a perfect opening for bartering. Don't be intimidated; the prices are negotiable. The first asking price is always well above what the item usually sells for, especially if you're a tourist.
Negotiating is more of a game or verbal sparring match than an actual battle of wills.
Remember to have a good attitude and smile; the seller usually enjoys bartering as much the customer. If you're in a hurry or not prepared to have a bit of a chat with the seller don't bother, the friendlier you are the sweeter your bartering experience will be.
Haggling can be frustrating if you aren't familiar with it. Be assured that at the Centre of National Culture also known as the 'Arts Centre' in Accra the customer can nearly always begin negotiations at half of the initial quoted price. A good strategy is to ask for the objects 'last price.' The seller will reduce the first price a bit once you ask - it's your game from that point on.
Simple guidelines are to be fair, to consider the value of the object, and to buy from one vendor with a wide variety of goods, if buying more than one item, the shopkeeper will generally agree to a far better price and you're in for a bargain.
Markets in Accra
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